Our lack of bad feedback allows us to ensure to you..
Quality high level services.
Over the years our organisation has been around we have made every mistake and Learnt how to provide to you only the best because...
we know what the worst looks like.
K9 Kartel has now reached all parts of the Uk, after a long time of working out the game and perfecting it, we can now offer you the highest quality services.
Why choose us over other organisations?
Our lack of bad feedback allows us to ensure to you..
Quality high level services.
Over the years our organisation has been around we have made every mistake and Learnt how to provide to you only the best because...
we know what the worst looks like.
We are currently in the process of saving and transforming dogs lives ... We have saved countless dogs lives from places like the euthanasia table from a consequence that is not the dogs fault.
85% of dog owners are walked by their dog.
And not the other way round.
We can come to you
Monday - Sunday
9am - 3am